July 6 – Solemnity Celebration of St. Mary Goretti one of the Patroness of our Congregation.
July 11 – Solemnity Celebration of St Benedict one of the Patrons of our Congregation.
Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows. Month dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. The Church celebrates this on September 15.
We have special reflections on the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary and unite our hardships with those of Our Lady of Sorrows. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
July 6 – Solemnity Celebration of St. Mary Goretti one of the Patroness of our Congregation.
July 11 – Solemninty Celebration of St Benedict one of the Patrons of our Congregation.
August 6 - Juniorates make their final vows. The end of our series of annual retreats.
Feb. 2 - Receiving new postulants. Receiving new novices. Receiving first professed nuns.
Feb 4 - Aspirants start their formation program in the formation center. Receiving new candidates
August 6 - Juniorates make their final vows. The end of our series of annual retreats.