CDNK places a high priority on educating sisters who can take on leadership roles and expand services to reach more people. One example of this is Sr. Dr. Mary Daria Mushi who is the Medical Officer in Charge for Huruma Hospital in Moshi.
After completing college and medical school in USA, Sr. Dr. Daria returned to Tanzania, where she did her Internship at Bugando Medical Center. After four years of general practice, she returned to school to earn a degree general surgery, and graduated 2021 with Master of Medicine in General Surgery (MD, MMED-SURG).
When Sr. Dr. Daria joined Huruma Hospital as Doctor in Charge, the hospital's infrastrucure was more than 54 years old and the facility lacked emergency rooms. With her leadership, and the support of various donors in and outside Tanzania, she is now building Emergency facilities and a Dental unit. Within five years, she expects this District Hospital to become a Regional Referral hospital.
Congratulation Sr. Dr. M. Daria Mushi CDNK for your hard work!
Above: Sr. Dr. M. Daria Moshi
receiving her medical degree;
Below: at a recent conference in Above right: at a fundraising event for Huruma Hospital
Your donation to support educating sisters will help us expand services.